Welcome to,
the anti-dairy space for dreamers and OMOs.


Big Dairy holds a powerful grip on humankind through its influence over food systems, marketing, and government policies. For decades, it has aggressively promoted milk as essential for health, targeting both children and adults. Governments heavily subsidize the dairy industry, making products more accessible while fostering market dependence. Lobbying efforts have shaped dietary guidelines and agricultural policies, keeping dairy a global staple, despite rising concerns about alternatives, ethics, and the environment. Big Dairy controls our diets, our media, and our health, pushing their agenda at the expense of truth.

At, we’re on a mission to keep Big Dairy’s hands off our bodies and out of our lives. Through engaging awareness campaigns combined with the production of art and culture, we aim to expose the truth behind the dairy industry’s impact on health, the environment, and animal welfare. By empowering OMOs (OffMilk Organization members), we’ll build a community that chooses plant-based alternatives, spreads the word, and helps reduce our dependence on dairy. 

A Brief History of the OffMilk Organization

After Dirty Eddy's debut music video "The Ooze (Part 1)" went viral, Big Dairy tried to milk his fame for all it was worth, pushing him to headline their annual MilkFest. But we know the truth... during the shoot, Dirty Eddy fell devastatingly ill—courtesy of the dairy forced down his throat. Weeks of recovery allowed him the time to uncover a secret that has been kept from us for so long: Big Dairy’s roots run deeper than the fluoride in Edmonton’s water supply. Ever since, Dirty Eddy has been at the helm of our dairy-free rebellion, proving once and for all that no good revolution comes without a little indigestion.

Dirty Eddy’s headquarters are housed in an old, creaky warehouse that once belonged to Brown-Buchanan Dairy Ltd. — a relic of Big Dairy’s reign over milk-mustache'd Montrealers. It’s poetic justice, really. The same space that once churned out gallons of cream now powers Dirty Eddy’s anti-dairy revolution. We’ve swapped out crates of bottles for records; and instead of milk trucks, we’re delivering digital dairy-free alternatives.

Prepare yourselves accordingly for Part 2.

(coming Spring 2025)